Wilkens Boasts Leisure Books

Leisure Books section at Wilkens Library

By Noah Schmidt

At the Wilkens Library on Cape Cod Community College’s main floor, across from the circulation desk, a shelf dedicated to leisurely reading offers a variety of books for all tastes. The “Leisure Books” section features more than 100 titles from popular authors like Jodi Picoult, John Grisham, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and Lucy Foley. Recent books from the “One College, One Book” program are also available, including: “American Like Me,” “The Story of More,” and “Born a Crime.”

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can fill out a request slip and drop it in the box for future book orders. The collection is always changing.

Tim Gerolami, the director of the Wilkens Library says, “The Leisure Reading collection is made up of recently published books that are relaxing and fun reads. The librarians select a wide range of books to appeal to the many different members of our community, but the goal is to keep it to new books and diverting reading-classics. Literary fiction, scholarly and technical material is held in our main collection on the second and third floor. Every librarian has their own strategy as to selecting (books) for Leisure Reading. They may look at what is popular in the public library, best sellers and ‘best of’ lists, book reviews, word of mouth, looking at what is already circulating, etc.”

“The core of the collection is selected by our librarians, but we also accept requests from library users. There’s a suggestion box for the collection, you can email suggestions to refdesk@capecod.edu or just ask us when you’re in the library. We love to hear from students about what kind of books they want to see in the collection!”

With your college ID, you can borrow books for three weeks, which is longer than the usual two-week loan period at town libraries. Books can be renewed up to four times, unless another patron has placed a hold on them. That means you can check out books from the Leisure section, and others, well into finals week.

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