By Michael Gonzales-Hesse

As the national election approaches, students often overlook the importance of their student government. The 4Cs student government serves as a voice for the campus community.
The student government is led by President Thalles De Souza, with Sara Gutierrez serving as campus trustee, Brandon DaSilva as treasurer, Colby Firnrohr as secretary, and CJ, Brooke, Leondina Dankese, and Ashley McKenzie as senators. De Souza, who returned to college after the pandemic, was elected president in the fall of 2022 and is now serving his second consecutive year, having won his last election by just one vote.
De Souza credits his victory to his strong campus connections. “I’m very well known by my administration, peers, and teachers,” he said. “I think I won because people know me.”
De Souza joined the student government to make a difference on campus. “I want to serve the people of the college,” he said. “I believe God intended for me to win and guide the students.”
Currently, the student government is focused on special elections, with voting for the vice president, public relations officer, and senators taking place on Nov 4 and 5. De Souza highlighted that last year’s student government had 23 members, the largest in 4Cs history. His goals for the semester include increasing student participation, improving budgets, enhancing campus security, and expanding the food pantry.
“I want to ensure students have a voice in what happens on campus and enrich their college experience,” he said.
The student government recently attended an overnight conference hosted by the Community College Leadership Association focused on strengthening student governance. De Souza noted that the event significantly improved teamwork within the group. In preparation for the national election, the student government also hosted a voter registration event in the cafeteria on Oct. 22.
Comparing the national election to student elections, De Souza remarked, “People only vote when they are passionate. If they do not like the candidates, they will not vote, just like in the national election.”
Although he will not run for a third term, De Souza plans to focus on his studies, aiming to graduate in 2026.
Although De Souza will not run for a third term, he plans to focus on his studies and aims to graduate in 2026. Since he is stepping down, there will be an election for the presidency at the beginning of next year. Anyone interested in joining the student government must meet a minimum requirement of 3 class credits and a 2.0 GPA, as outlined on the 4Cs website, which also includes links to apply for executive and senate positions. If assistance is needed, reaching out to Professor French or Hamilton may be helpful. Specific requirements for entering student government are available on the 4Cs website. The college’s constitution, which the student government is mandated to follow, can be accessed under the student government section in the college’s SharePoint menu.