Koji Yakusho, left, and Arisa Nakano appear in Wim Wenders’ “Perfect Days.” The 4Cs International Film Series will screen the film on April 2. (Neon)
By Grace Sanderson
Cape Cod Community College’s weekly International Film Series exposes its attendees to new perspectives. Hosts Cindy Pavlos, an administrative assistant in the Language and Literature Department, and retired Professor Lore DeBower, who started the series over 25 years ago, “hope that each film opens a ‘window to the world’ for viewers and introduces them to places and cultures they may not be familiar with”.
The series screens films every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. in the F&M Wilkens Science Center, G-06. Post-screening film discussions are held every following Tuesday from 4 to 5 p.m. remotely on Zoom. The series uses the Library’s film streaming service, Kanopy, which allows participants to watch the films either in person or at home before attending the discussions. Pavlos said the weekly discussions see all aspects of the films discussed, including genre, director, musical score, themes, cinematography, and more.
According to Pavlos, around eight people attend Wednesday’s screenings, while about 20 join Tuesday’s film discussions. She hopes attendance will continue to grow after the transition back to in-person just last fall.
Films are selected by Pavlos and DeBower who review available titles on Kanopy at the start of each semester. Films are often selected around monthly themes, such as Black History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March. This semester, films have been selected from Australia, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Kenya, Kosovo, Syria and more.
The next film in the series, “Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World,” will be screened in person on Wednesday, Feb. 19, with the film discussion on Zoom on Tuesday, Feb. 25.
To learn more about attending the series, visit https://www.capecod.edu/international-film-series/.