By Ray Bishop
Cape Cod Community College has students from various backgrounds. An easy way to see and express such differences is through their sense of style. As a community 4Cs thrives to make the campus a safe place, not just as a learning environment but as a safe space for students to be themselves. 4Cs students, Annastasia Gibbs, Tobias Crawford, and Giovi Lacorte shared their sense of style and what it means to them.
Annastasia Gibbs

Photo of Anastasia Gibbs (Ray Bishop)
Q: “How would you describe your style?”
A: “Pink first of all, very pink. Very…I don’t think revealing is the right word. I don’t wear very modest clothes, I would say. I would say that I try to wear clothes that can expose a lot of my skin ‘cause I run hot.”
Q: “What about 4Cs helps you comfortable enough expressing yourself in that way?”
A: It’s not as close cliques as high school where everyone knows each other so it’s not like I’m going to be gossiped about. Also, it’s college. I want to express myself in college. I feel like it’s more free.
Q: What can be done to improve the campus so people can express themselves as well, or feel comfortable enough to express themselves?
A: Maybe if we had pride days. I think it helps people express themselves regardless of sexuality or gender. I feel like people who are LGBT it would be easier to feel more at home and would be able to express themselves better.
Q: Any advice for your fellow students?
A: Dressing in the way you want to dress does help self-confidence, as much as it might be hard in the beginning but once you’re comfortable in your own clothes…I would say try it and you might actually like it.
Tobias Crawford

Photo of Tobias Crawford (Ray Bishop)
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: I try to go for a more of a Midwest kind of look. I used to board horses for five years and I could of adopted that style from the owners on the ranch. Yes that’s kind of how I adopted this style.
Q. What about 4Cs helps you feel comfortable enough to express yourself?
A. Just walking around and you kind of see others just walking around….they’re not afraid and have full confidence in their outfits. You know everyone has different tastes and mine is definitely a taste. I guess seeing others be confident makes me want to then become part of that confident crowd.
Q. What can be done to improve it so that others can express themselves as well?
A. I would say if we make more of an effort to make people feel more inclusive in what they wear. I think that could go for miles.
Q. Any ideas or advice for your fellow students?
A. Never be afraid of who you actually want to be and keep aiming higher.
Giovi Lacorte’s
Photo of Giovi Lacorte’s (Ray Bishop)
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: My style is very much “whatever makes me look as cute as possible while still being very comfy.” I wish I could dress in a more pastel punk vibe. I love dressing in pinks, but most of my clothes are just black
Q: What about 4Cs helps you feel comfortable enough to express yourself?
A: Everyone at 4Cs is really nice, the overall vibe is extremely chill, and it helps me feel more confident. Being able to navigate around campus without stairs due to the inclined paths definitely helps when I’m wearing skirts and big boots. It’s always embarrassing if someone’s below you and can peek!!
Q: What can be done to improve it so that others can express themselves as well?
A: There’s a sort of blandness to the campus, I wish it would be fixed, liven things and make it more artsy. Sometimes I feel like a walking art show because of how bold my outfits are in comparison to the background.
Q: Any ideas of advice for your fellow students?
A: I say this to everyone, but the best accessory to any outfit is confidence. High energy and pride are what truly carry my outfits, and the kind smiles and waves I send to other students are what make me approachable. I think if we all got to be more friendly with each other, more social, more people would feel more confidence in themselves and be able to freely express their identity though outfits.