Advantage Peer Mentors from left to right Giana Sosa, Jess Maldonado, Anna Victoria Tillio Da Silva. (Tribekah Jordan)

By: Rylan Daniels Julien   Overcrowded 4Cs parking lot. (Rylan Daniels Julien) The cost of higher education is a significant factor for many adults considering whether to

By Nate Skinner  Professor Ava Fedorov in Wilkens Broadcast Center. (Nate Skinner) As the new semester begins, Cape Cod Community College introduces Professor Ava Fedorov to

By Noah G. Schmidt  Cover of "The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones." (Noah G. Schmidt) Are you looking for something new to read? You may be

by Jessica Lynch  Self-portrait of Jeffrey Kelly. (Jeffrey Kelly) Do you dream of seeing your name in lights and delivering stellar performances on stage? A career

Across this wall is still art from the Drawing 1 and 2 classes with Professor Douglas Ritter. (Yasmine Tavares)