By Jordyn Pimental and Nate Skinner James Morgan (Math Support Coordinator) & Harmony Carroll (academic advisor) as The Grady Twins (Nate Skinner) On Halloween, Cape Cod Community College celebrated a vibrant array of spooky festivities. Featuring a free lunch and a costume contest, 4Cs urged its students

Kamala Harris.  Opinion: Harris for President  The Nov. 5 presidential election between former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris will significantly impact everyone, shaping the future of our country. For that reason, The MainSheet, the 4Cs student-run newspaper, is committed to covering the election. As

By Michael Gonzales-Hesse As the national election approaches, students often overlook the importance of their student government. The 4Cs student government serves as a voice for the campus community. The student government is led by President Thalles De Souza, with Sara Gutierrez serving as campus trustee, Brandon