How Do 4Cs Students Manage Stress?

A 4Cs student managing stress (Ashley Ryan)

By Ashley Ryan

Feeling stressed? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The start of a new semester brings increased levels of stress for staff and students. Managing stress is a skill that is very important for your overall mental health, and academic success. Through discussions with several students, each student shared new ways to manage stress. Alex Copeland, a second-year nursing student, states, “Family health issues and financial instability are two of the main things that cause stress for me.”

From nursing to dual enrollment, each student identified two common factors of stress. One of the main factors causing stress was school. From long hours of studying to difficult assignments, school is a significant source of stress for these students. “Not having enough time in the day to complete all my tasks stresses me out.” Time management can be very stressful for people, specifically students. Balancing schoolwork, work life, and social life proved challenging. Pre-nursing student, Deeqo Aaden, shared with me, “Balancing my life of education, work, and being a mother is hard but important. If I procrastinate on my schoolwork, that will cause me more stress and affect me as a mother.”

“How do you manage your stress?” A similarity among the interviewed students was taking time for self-care. Specifically, using that free time to eat, watch TV, color, exercise, or even take a hot shower. Taking time away from the stressors allows the students to debrief and regroup.

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