Professor on Voting: Make Your Own Informed Decisions

By Noah Schmidt

Steve Moynihan, an adjunct government and history professor at 4Cs, says choosing a president is like choosing a restaurant for the next four years.

You should be informed and make your own decision.

“Imagine people telling you why you should eat at one restaurant and others telling you why you should choose another,” he says. “If you’re going to eat there for four years, you should do your own research instead of just listening to others. It’s a responsibility to stay informed.”

That is, he says, if you want a say in the future of the country. He encourages every student of age to vote.

“It’s important for everyone to vote if you want to have a say in your government,” says Moynihan, who also teaches at Barnstable High School. “Especially for students, voting early helps build the habit.”

Moynihan also highlighted the importance of voting in state and local elections, not just at the national level.

“If you don’t vote, you get the government others chose and the policies they supported.”

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