Tuning In: 4Cs and the Cape Symphony

By: Rylan Daniels Julien

Cape Cod Community College (4Cs) students can take music lessons with Cape Symphony faculty while earning college credit. Through a new partnership, students can earn one credit for 7.5 hours of lessons (typically 15 lessons) or two credits for 15 hours.

The initiative began when 4Cs Dean Cathleen McCarron noticed some students were already taking lessons at Cape Symphony. She reached out to the symphony’s director of education to explore offering college credit for these lessons.

“The partnership with Cape Symphony provides Cape Cod Community College students the opportunity to learn a range of instruments with renowned musicians at a venue right across the street from campus,” McCarron said.

Currently, a handful of 4Cs students are taking vocal and guitar lessons, but lessons are available for almost any instrument through this program. Additionally, 4Cs’ music department is expanding its offerings, including a jazz ensemble led by Michael Deck and a choral course taught by Prof. Sarah Fachada.

For students eligible for the MassEducate or MassReconnect programs, 4Cs covers the full cost of lessons. For others, the cost is $400 per semester. Interested students should notify their advisor and email McCarron at cmccarron@capecod.edu to schedule lessons.

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