By Jessica Lynch
Cape Cod Community College held its annual Club Day on Sept. 18, bringing energy and excitement to the Grossman Commons cafeteria. The event, filled with music, students, and enthusiastic club representatives, aimed to encourage new members to explore the college’s diverse range of clubs.
We asked participants to explain, in one word or one sentence, why students should join their club. Here are their answers:

From left, Ray Bishop, Professor Tyler Daniels, and Raeyvn Ostapchuk at the Cryptids Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Cryptids Club
Ray Bishop (student): “Mystery is out there waiting to be solved!”
Tyler Daniels (faculty): “(Because) Bigfoot can’t hide forever!”

From left, Lexi Simoes, CJ Brooke, and Thalles De Souza at the Student Government table. (Jessica Lynch)
Student Government
Lexi Simoes (student): “To become comfortable speaking in front of your peers.”
CJ Brooke (student): “We are for the students, of the students.”

Susan Mackoul (right) and Jonathan O’Callaghan at the Photography Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Photography Club
Jonathan O’Callaghan (student): “For students that love photography and want to get into it.”
Susan Mackoul (faculty): “For friendships and sharing lots of skills and ideas.”
Taheera Todd, left, and Kirtis Shakespeare at the Afro-Caribbean Connection Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Afro-Caribbean Connection
Kirtis Shakespeare (student): “We have diverse students here at 4Cs, so if you want to come in and learn more about Africa, that’s what it’s all about.”

Professor Matt Vazquez at the Economics Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Economics Club
Matt Vazquez (faculty): “To engage with the campus community and the community that we live (in) and serve.”

Giovi Lacorte, left, and Isa Greenberg at the Pride Alliance Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Pride Alliance Club
Isa Greenberg (student): “It’ll be a gay old time, and we’re also really welcoming; we are there for every student we’re both allies and people in the (LGBTQIA+) community and we want to teach and also learn.”
James Morgan (faculty): “We have a great program; we do all sorts of fun stuff.”
Matthew Brun at the Gaming Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Gaming Club
Matthew Brun (faculty): “Wanna have fun and relax; come join us!”
Azoreth Horne at the Art Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Art Club
Azoreth Horne (student): “We do field trips, fundraisers, (and are) in a community that accept others no matter what level of art they have.”
Tobias Crawford, left, and Noah Schmidt at the Radio Club table (Jessica Lynch)
The Radio Club
Tobias Crawford (student): “You get your own space to create what you want without fear of judgement; you can be yourself.”
Cady Howes, right, and Bryden Williams at the Creative Writing Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Creative Writing Club
Bryden Williams (student): “Community”
Cady Howes (student): “Fun”
From left, Ella Hester, Izzy Soque, and Amber Roberts at the American Cancer Society Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
American Cancer Society Club
Amber Roberts (student): “We provide support for everybody whose been affected by cancer, whether you’re a survivor yourself, you know someday whose a survivor, or (you) are looking to help in any way that (you) can; it’s a very pressing issue and a lot of people deal with it, so we have a place where people can talk about it, raise money and provide funds for research.”
Raven Berry at the Janus Players Club table. (Jessica Lynch)
Janus Players Student Theatre Club
Raven Berry (student): “It’s a great way for people to meet authors and to get involved in drama; we can do stage readings and we can get some people from the faculty or the community to come out and see it.”
Students interested in joining can visit the 4Cs Clubs page at capecod.edu/clubs/ to find more information or reach out to the contact emails listed under each club.