By Grace Sanderson
Cape Cod Community College’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is offering free tax help to the community. The program, now run by Business Department Chair Kathleen Bent, was started more than a decade ago by adjunct faculty member Juanita Sweet.
The VITA program is part of the accounting course ACC263: Vita Practicum, which allows participating students to earn college credit and real-world experience. This year, five students are certified and participating in the program, said Bent, who is excited that the program had the opportunity to run this year.
Students are graded based on earning their certifications, the number of tax returns they prepare, a final presentation, and their professional growth. The program allows students to “really get a feel for what it is like working as tax professional” as they apply professionalism and critical thinking and communication skills learned in their courses, said Bent.
Last year, the VITA program assisted 155 clients during tax season. Bent says clients are “very patient” and understanding of the students who are unfamiliar with the return process, going on to state that most are just “grateful to have their taxes completed for free.”
As coordinator of the program, Bent thoroughly reviews each tax return before being e-filed and discusses any problem areas with students.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance is available on campus by appointment only through the April 15, 2025, filing deadline. To learn more about the program or book an appointment, you can email vita@capecod.edu or call (774) 330-4923.